Water treatment facilities and quality equipment
Eco – Tech OOD is a company for design, manufacture, installation and commissioning of municipal and industrial waste water treatment plants.
The company is on the Bulgarian market since 2002. In the past few years, the company has become one of the leaders at the water sector and proved to be a reliable partner in dealing with architects, investors, construction companies and customers.
Headquarter of Eco – Tech Ltd. is located at the village of Yagodovo , Plovdiv District. In the country, the company operates with its service groups thus we manage to cover all points in Bulgaria.
Manufacturing of wastewater treatment equipment is mostly according to the specific site conditions. We offer standardized and unconventional equipment /on internal and external projects / for waste water treatment. In compliance with the Environmental Requirements the company, has designed and completed many compact WWTP for small communities around the country, in accordance with quantity and quality of the waste water.