
Septic system cleaner for “Emergency” Situations”
• Unclogs clogged pipelines
• Destroys the deposits by adding of bacteria
• Sufficient for treatment tank or basin with total volume of 500 gallons
• Destroys paper
The septic treatment K – 57 is used for treatment of clogged old septic systems. Produced of special bacteria K – 57 attacks concentrated the clogged place and opens overflowing septic tanks, cesspools and sewers. K-57 does not damage shafts, pipes, discharge systems or porcelain because it does not contain corrosive substances.

Directions/for sewers and stand pipes/:

1. Use during the nighttime before going to bed.
2. Shake the bottle before use. If the toilet can be drained, pour the whole bottle in it. If it cannot be done, pour it directly into the septic tank or cesspool. Dispose the package.
3. One bottle treats tanks with volume 1895 lit.
4. Use sink, toilet, bathroom and washers less as possible during the next 24 hours.

After cleaning the installation, use K – 47 for septic systems once per year to prevent clogging.

Non – flammable.
CAUTION : Harmful if taken internally.
Keep out of children.